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First, Drew, let me say about your post that their were structures in place for Paul to go in and get the Gospel to people…Mars Hill, the diaspora synogogues, etc.  In our day, those don’t exist…places of public discussion on religion, unless you are outside of the States and Europe, that is.  So, if we need to create gathering places to get the MESSAGE out, let’s do it.

Secondly, guys, I wanted to pass this on to you and whoever is reading this blog of ours:

Greetings, especially to new subscribers and those added to this mailing list because they are teachers at seminaries or Colleges in different parts of the world.
In a Tweet, Theologians Without Borders (TWB) is an initiative in Christian partnership in which theological teachers go as volunteers and at the invitation of seminaries or groups of churches who have issued a ‘Macedonian Call’—‘Come over and help us!’ The assignment is completely the responsibility of the teacher who funds the visit (travel and visa) while the receiving institution provides free of charge transport from local airport to the teaching centre, a room and daily food. More info here (although for privacy reasons new info is being sent by email rather than posted on this public Internet site).
It is encouraging…
…to see a woman from England teaching Old Testament/Hebrew Bible in Malaysia and then offering to teach intensives in two Colleges in India who do not have a specialist OT teacher
…to hear a steady trickle of teachers saying, “I’ve got a sabbatical coming up in 2011/2012/2013…are there any seminaries asking for teachers?”….
…to see two Aussie pastors tacking onto the end of their family holidays some training input at a Church Leader’s Conference in Indonesia…
…to get a growing number of graduate theology students putting up their hand to teach intensives as part of their service, to hone their cross-cultural gifts, to build their teaching experience and to help discern their calling.
…to know that Rev Josué Fonseca, formerly a Professor in Santiago, Chile and now pastor of a church in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, is assisting in the coordination of requests to Theologians Without Borders (Teólogos Sin Fronteras) for assistance from those in the Spanish-speaking world. Josue’s email address is:
josuefonsecamolina@yahoo.com. Translation: Es alentador saber que Rev Josué Fonseca, pastor antes un profesor en Santiago de Chile y ahora de una iglesia en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias, está ayudando en la coordinación de las solicitudes de Teólogos Sin Fronteras para obtener ayuda de las existentes en el mundo de habla española.la dirección de Josué correo electrónico es: josuefonsecamolina@yahoo.com
Requests in Brief
Some of the current requests include…
…Theological teachers for China in 2011 who can teach one week modules in a variety of theological and biblical disciplines (interpreter provided if you are not fluent in Mandarin)
…A school in Thailand among the displaced Karen has an urgent need for two teachers during this semester (September—December 2010 and possibly 2011)…
… Parlez-vous français? A Pastoral Institute in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that prepares pastors for ministry within rural churches seeks volunteer French-speaking instructors/professors in several disciplines in their three year programme especially from the summer of 2011 to the summer of 2012…
…Teachers requested to teach in a new Masters course in Indonesia from January 2011…
…Spanish-speaking teachers for seminary in Columbia.
…Visiting teachers for a College in Myanmar/Burma.
…Teachers for a seminary in Nigeria who might teach intensive courses in Greek, Hebrew, Theology, Missiology, Christian education, Conflict Resolution, Development, Technology and Ministry and English Language.

I will supply more information where I can or put you in touch with the person or institution requesting. If you haven’t already, do send me a completed Expression of Interest form as a first step. Sing out if you are part of a seminary or group of churches that would appreciate a teacher/trainer coming to assist you.
Further, do forward this letter to colleagues and others who may be able to respond to one of these requests.

Dr Geoff Pound
Coordinator, Theologians Without Borders.